by admin | Jul 17, 2016 | News
Sorry, this entry is only available in Romanian.
by admin | Jul 15, 2016 | News
The technical staff from Kronstadt RA with specialists from INCDS- Marin Drăcea Brasov, from the project LIFE FOR BEAR, conducted research in the area in which the attack took place: they studied the traces ( blood, footprints, bear droppings etc.), type of habitat,...
by admin | Jun 14, 2016 | News
Ȋn cadrul acțiunii de patrulare au fost identificate mai multe zone cu resturi menajere depozitate haotic unde au fost identificate mai multe exemplare de urs (zona Valea Cerbului, Orașul Bușteni). Echipa de patrulare recomandă cetățenilor aflați în zonele din...
by admin | Jun 9, 2016 | News
On 06/07/2016, following a phone call from ISU Brasov, a representative of R.A. Kronstand RPLP Mr. Cosmin Dida, partner in the project Life for Bear, went to the Dambu Morii to capture a bear cub, about 5 months old. It did not require to be tranquilized and he was...